Making of …
The pattern 1875 Ball Gown Basque from Truly Victorian was the basis for this bodice.
I left out the sleeves of it. The bodice is reinforced with spiral boning.
The basic bodice is made out of the same plain taffeta that the skirt of the original Copper Dress is made of. It is closed with hooks and eyes at the front.
The broad braid at the neckline is made out of the flocked taffeta that I used for the overskirt of the dress and it is embroidered with the same lace braid which is on the overskirt.
At the sides are little roses out of the plain taffeta. There is a big rose out of that taffeta with two ribbons out ot the flocked taffeta with lace braid at the center front, sewn on to one side of the closure and pinned on with a snap button on the other side ot it.
I had great luck, that the fabric remains of the Copper Dress were enough to make the bodice and that I could buy the very rest of the same lace braid that I used on the original dress. So the bodice together with the skirts look like one single ball gown :-)
…apart from the difference in workmanship that is clearly visible between the skirts from 2009 and 2010 and the bodice from 2015…. good to know that one can improve ;-)
Completed: 2015
… in Action

Since the Ball Bizarre at the Villa Nostalgica was the reason I made this bodice to turn my Copper Dress into a ballgown, it is no wonder that I was wearing it there for the first time :-)
Status: in my Klamottenkiste and I wore it for the first time for the Ball Bizarre at the Villa Nostalgica.
Photos: Dirk Jacobs (2015)