Alterable Steampunk Combination

Alterable Steampunk Combination
This was meant to be a simple, quick and alterable outfit that could be worn in many differnt combinations.
And that is exactly what it turned out to be. It looks a bit differntly and new in every combination :-)

The two hats Garrison Cap with Feathers and elegant Hat with Feathers make the changeableness and the possibilities of composition perfect.

Photos: Eric Aisling (2018)
Earrings: Sandra

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Alterable Steampunk CombinationAlterable Steampunk CombinationAlterable Steampunk CombinationAlterable Steampunk CombinationAlterable Steampunk CombinationAlterable Steampunk CombinationAlterable Steampunk CombinationAlterable Steampunk CombinationAlterable Steampunk CombinationAlterable Steampunk CombinationBolero 1, Skirt, BustleskirtBolero 1, Skirt, BustleskirtBolero 1, Skirt, BustleskirtBolero 2, BustleskirtBolero 2, BustleskirtBolero 2, Bustleskirt

Making of …

Completed: Bolero jackets 2017
Skirt, bustle mini skirt and hats 2018

For both bolero jackets I used the pattern M2070 “Rove” from Cosplay by McCall’s. I simply love this pattern and will use it again some time!
Bolero 1 is the C option with a little cange. I altered the front below the bow and made it a little shorter and the bottom hemline rounder.
Bolero 2 is option F and since it is perfect as it is I left it completely unchanged :-)

The skirt and bustle mini skirt is made with the pattern M6911 from McCall’s Costumes. Since I liked the squiggle on the skirt pattern my skirt has this squiggle, too now :-)

Alone the bustle skirt was no fun to make…. I had a really hard time fitting the very stiff netting into the skirt (and under my sewing machine). There was a time where I just wanted to throw the thing away because it looked like a shapeless blob :-(
But in the end it turned out it really was a skirt and wearable on top of that ;-)
Now I like the way it is stiff but very lightweight and stays in the shape I struggled it into :-)

… in Action

Status: in my Klamottenkiste and I wore it at the Anno 1900 Steampunk Convention in Luxenbourg 2018 in two different combinations for the first time

Photos: NeedMoreCoffeeMan, phylax

Anno 1900 Steampunk ConventionAnno 1900 Steampunk Convention