TaiChi Dragon Shirt

TaiChi Dragon Shirt
This shirt is airy and roomy and can adjust itself to the flowing movements of TaiChi. The collar can be closed with a little button, but the very low-cut slit remains open.
On the back there is a big grey stiched-on chinese dragon with a bright yellow eye.

From now on, this shirt is my new favorite TaiChi-Klamotte :-)

Photos: Marco (2011)

TaiChi Dragon ShirtTaiChi Dragon ShirtTaiChi Dragon ShirtTaiChi Dragon ShirtTaiChi Dragon ShirtTaiChi Dragon ShirtTaiChi Dragon ShirtTaiChi Dragon Shirt

* back *

Making of …

The pattern is taken from Burda Style (5/2011) without any changes. Just the chinese dragon stichery on the back emanates from my own creativity ;-)
At first I wanted to make the stichery single-coloured, but I could not deny myself from giving the dragon an yellow eye :-)

Completed: 2011

… in Action

Status: in my Klamottenkiste and has done a lot of taichi with me :-)