Princess of Power Dress

Princess of Power Dress
It all started with this dress….
This dress is inspired by the great fantasy costumes of the Princess-of-Power-figures which were my favourite toys when I was a little girl (Who wants to know: they were the girls of the Masters-of-the-Universe-guys).

The dress is made out of red and black panne velvet with a black gimp for the cording at the neckline, full-length and with many high trenches in the skirt part and openings at the top part, that show much bare skin.

Princess of Power DressPrincess of Power Dress

* back *

Making of …

1995 there have been my first attempts in sewing. This dress is a good example for how clueless I approached the whole thing.

The pattern is completely self-made by simply ignoring that making sewing patterns is not trivial at all.
But something came out of it ;-)

The dress is exclusively sewn by hand.

Completed: 1996

… in Action

The first time I wore that dress was at the party for my 19th birthday.

Sadly there are no pictures of that….

Status: in my Klamottenkiste, but I don’t wear it any more ;-)