Ghost Dress

At first sight it looks like a cross between a nightgown and a wedding dress.
And then again more like from a Jane Austin movie.
But no, this dress is actually made to be a Halloween costume, it should be the robe of a ghost, a white ghost lady :-)

Photos: NeedMoreCoffeeMan (2012)
“Wind”: Sandra

* back *

Little GhostyGhost DressGhost DressGhost Dress

Making of …

For this one I bought the pattern 4055 from Simplicity and followed it precisely.
I used an old curtain for the overdress ;-)

Completed: 2012

… in Action

The Crow and the Ghost

Status: in my Klamottenkiste and I wore it at my 2012 Halloween party ;-)

Photos: Laurent Goletz and NeedMoreCoffeeMan (2012)

Medusa and the Ghost