Copper Roses

Copper Roses
With this outfit I have another typical Steampunk ensemble in my Klamottenkiste :-)
This started with the opulent rose fabric and from there on I developed it further.
The skirt of the Alterable Steampunk Combination belongs to this now just as much.

As accessories for this I made the Brown Net Gloves and the Button Choker.

Photos: Olaf Pinn (2019)
Jewellery: Sandra

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Copper RosesCopper RosesCopper RosesCopper RosesCopper RosesCopper RosesCopper RosesCopper RosesCopper RosesCopper Roses

Dark Victorian Gown

Dark Victorian Gown
This victorian gown is rather simple and for victorian standards quite understated. Even if it looks like a dress from the early bustle era, it gets along with a basic cul de paris and the gathering and train are very low-key.

The outfit is complete with the Dark Victorian Hat.

Foto: NeedMoreCoffeeMan (2012)
Models: Mel-Stichfest und JessiCat
Mel’s dress: Mel-Stichfest
Hair: Marlies
Jewellery: Sandra

Dark Victorian GownDark Victorian GownDark Victorian GownDark Victorian GownDark Victorian GownDark Victorian GownDark Victorian GownDark Victorian GownDark Victorian GownDark Victorian GownDark Victorian Gown

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