TaiChi Fan Pouch

For some time now I wanted to have a pouch for my TaiChi fans. Now I finally made it and learnt some new things about leather working like edge processing :-)
The pouch is made out of a black piece of leather and it is closed simply with a flap. There is a strap at the backside to fasten it to another bag or to a carrying strap.
Completed: 2015
Status: I used the pouch a lot. Sadly I lost it on a beautiful sunny day in the park after practising TaiChi :-(
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TaiChi Sword’s Hilt

This was my very first try at fitting leather to a sword’s hilt. I had a little help from my sweetheart for that :-)
At first we soaked the leather and then spread it in its wet state around the hilt an sewed it together.
The hard part is to look after it while drying so that it won’t shrink too much in its length.
It does not leave much to desire for a first try :-)
Completed: 2015
Status: The sword is in constant use and the leather is holding pretty well :-)

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J.Cat Sweater

Like it is taken directly from the 80s: This comfy sweater is well suited for TaiChi or jazz dance lessons.
Photos: Dino (2011)

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