Corona came and with it a new fashion trend: face masks!
But joking aside: Masks were needed, masks were sewn.
2020 will go down in history as the year of the face mask!
And here they are, my different models. I made most of them with the pattern from NähFrosch, but some also after the video in Zeit Online.
I made the folded model only because the other ones did not seem to fit men very well. To get the fitting even better, I added nose clips. I used the long metall parts out of filing strips.
Completed: (currently, 20.5.2020) 60 masks
Status: I kept some for myself and gave the rest away (curently, 20.5.2020: 39 masks given away or traded)
Photos: Eric Aisling (2020)
Jewellery: Sandra
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