Witchy Woman’s Dress

This ankle-length witch dress out of red panne velvet has wonderfully long pointed sleeves and a lot of black laceband around the plunging neckline and the long sleeves. The whole thing is shoulder-free with slender black straps. This amazing dress I have worn very often, most of the time with many black lace underskirts and a crinkle velvet corselet.
Photos: NeedMoreCoffeeMan (2004)
Hair: Marlies

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Making of …
The pattern is taken for the most part out of a magazin, but the skirt part and the sleeves are chanced very much. The exact pattern from the magazin I used later for the Morticia Dress.
The cost of material for the velvet and the laceband was about 100DM at the time (thats about maybe 60EUR today).
The dress is exclusively sewn by hand.
Completed: 1997
… in Action
The dress was worn very often, always with that black crinkle corselet and with many black lace underskirts. Today I wear it mostly as a costume for Halloween or something, but I still like it very much :-)
Status: in my Klamottenkiste and I still wear it from time to time as a costume