Dalek Vest

This polo neck vest with a zipper and Dalek on the back can be worn high-necked or casual with half open zipper and turned over collor. A nerdy piece, but the picture does not attract too much attention and only Doctor Who fans know what it is ;-)
Photo: Marco (2010)

* back *
Making of …

For the vest I used black wool of the strength 3 – 4 and needles of the strength 4, as well as a 55cm jacket-zipper.
The pattern is completely self-made and for the pattern on the back I used draft you can see here.
With the completed vest I have to admit that the Dalek looks a bit distorted. Maybe a narrow but longer guideline would have been better. Furthermore the Dalek on the completed vest is not so recognisable as intended. Anyhow, I know what it should be ;-)
Completed: 2008
… in Action
This vest was worn at some opportunities, but there are no pictures of that.
Status: in my Klamottenkiste and is worn from time to time