Flamenco Pirate

Flamenco Pirate
This freaky outfit is my first entire Flamenco outfit. It consits of a wide godet skirt out of six panels with a little valance-framed slit and a knoted blouse with volance sleeves. It comes with the Flamenco Pirate Jewellery Set which contains a rose-neckband, a skull-rose hair comb and earrings with little silver wheels.
On the one hand this should be a classic Flamenco dress, but on the other hand it should be something in the crass contrast to that, hence the pirate fabric ;-)

Matching this outfit I bought my bloodred Flamenco shoes :-)

Photos: JHPhotographie (2011)
Hair: Marlies

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Flamenco PirateFlamenco PirateFlamenco PirateFlamenco PirateFlamenco PirateFlamenco PirateFlamenco PirateFlamenco PirateFlamenco PirateFlamenco PirateFlamenco PirateFlamenco Pirate

Making of …

The patterns for all the pieces are selfmade, although I orientated my design for the blouse on a pattern I used before.

Completed: 2011

… in Action

Status: in my Klamottenkiste and is worn often