Circuit Board Dress

Circuit Board Dress
The fabic was here first, then the idea to use this beautiful pattern once more and so there it was, the nerdy 50s dress.

Somehow I still needed a nerdy every-day-dress, a well-behaved pattern for an eye-catching bold fabric and a light summer dress came out of it :-)

Photos: Faust (2016)

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Circuit Board DressCircuit Board DressCircuit Board DressCircuit Board Dress


I wanted to have a TARDIS dress for a long time now. I followed the growing number of such dresses in fanciful variations displayed on the internet.

Since the TARDIS has the outer appearance of an english Police Phone Box, which were quite common in the 1950s, to use a sewing pattern from that time period seemed to be most appropriate.
Even when there are a few TARDIS dresses with this pattern on the net, I did not regret my choice of the pattern.

To complete the TARDIS she needed that little lantern on top. For that I turned a little plush TARDIS with light effects and the typical TARDIS-whooshing-dematerialisation-sound into a hat.

Photos: JHP Photographie (2015)
Earrings: Sandra

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TARDIS with tiny love with a Dalek9th Doctor and TARDIS spot a Dalek9th Doctor and TARDISTARDIS DressTARDIS DressTARDIS HatTARDIS DressTARDIS DressTARDIS Dress