I wanted to sew a corset and I still had pinstripe fabric. Since I didn’t need all of the fabric, I added the bolero and the Pinstripe Garrison Cap and a whole new outfit was done;-)
Photos: Olaf Pinn (2020)
Earrings: Sandra
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I wanted to sew a corset and I still had pinstripe fabric. Since I didn’t need all of the fabric, I added the bolero and the Pinstripe Garrison Cap and a whole new outfit was done;-)
Photos: Olaf Pinn (2020)
Earrings: Sandra
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The fabric remnant from Pinstripe Corset and Bolero wanted to be processed and somehow I thought a garrison cap fitting to match the outfit.
The pattern is once more the same basic pattern that I used for my first two garrison caps. This time I made it a little smaller. I have repeated the trick with the weft clips as with the Garrison Cap with Feathers.
Completed: 2020
Status: in my Klamottenkiste and waiting to be worn
Photos: Olaf Pinn (2020)
Earrings: Sandra
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