Comic Dress

Comic Dress
For some time now I wanted to make something out of comic fabric. Though I did not really like most of the fabrics I found and I was not sure which pattern to use. It had to be a pattern with large pieces.
But at last I did find a pattern I could use.

And here it is, my Comic Dress!
It is quite gossamery and with that a perfect summer dress or dancing dress :-)

Photos: JHP Photographie (2013)
Earrings: Sandra
Hair: Marlies

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Comic DressComic DressComic DressComic DressComic DressComic DressComic DressComic DressComic Dress

Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn
This diamond-decorated two-coloured costume is complete with the Harley Quinn Choker and the matching gloves. A bit cheeky and punky this costume is definitely Harley Quinn-worthy.

Needless to say that this costume is most effective in combination with someone wearin the Poison Ivy-costume.

Photos: Laurent Goletz (2011)
Models: Sandra and JessiCat
Jewellery: Sandra
Decoration: Sandra and JessiCat

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Harley QuinnHarley QuinnTod durch hundert GrinserHA - HA!Harley with IvyPokerLootHarley QuinnHarley QuinnHarley QuinnHarley Quinn GlovesHarley Quinn ChokerHarley Quinn Choker

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy
This fake-ivy-decorated costume is complete with a firey red wig and with the Poison Ivy Choker and also with the matching long glove. Even some ballerinas come with the outfit. Asymmetric and with seamingly organic fabrics this dress is definitely Poison Ivy-worthy.

Needless to say that this costume is most effective in combination with someone wearin the Harley Quinn-costume.

Photos: Laurent Goletz (2011)
Models: Sandra and JessiCat
Decoration: Sandra and JessiCat

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Poison IvyLootIvy with HarleyIvy with HarleyIvy with HarleyPokerPoison IvyPoison IvyPoison IvyPoison IvyPoison Ivy ChokerPoison Ivy ChokerPoison Ivy Shoes